Natural Medicine

Natural Medicine

Natural Medicine utilizes many modalities or techniques that support health and the betterment of it. Therapeutic treatments must focus on restoring health by detoxifying, nourishing, strengthening, and restoring your organ systems to achieve optimum health. Naturopathy does not include invasive treatments, medications, and/or synthetic supplementation; all of which may apply deeper strain on your state of health. Natural Medicine supports therapeutic nutrition, including formulas of nutrients that the body utilizes for building blocks and functionality. We support taking therapeutic amounts of nutrients to over compensate the depletions that are being suffered. Myself, my family, my friends & my clients all eat the therapeutic formulas that Holmes Health promotes here. Through my personal observation & testimony, I have no reason to substitute this brand with another. I choose to stay with what works for me and those I observe. If you have a brand you love and trust, ok. No need to buy these. The point is that you are receiving the nutrition you are requiring for healing and health. Your Bio-Cell Screenings will track the success-or not of your protocols and products.

Holmes Health at The Nourishing Tree educates, guides, and encourages Natural Medicine due to its non-invasive characteristics and adaptability for each individual.  Here we start out by looking cellularly, real-time to understand your health, what determines it, and how to personalize your plan of action to bring your health to the next stage of betterment through the self-help of Natural Medicine along with our Healthcare Professionals collaborating with us.

Holmes Health can interpret Bio-Cell Reports for a minimal fee of $25 to support you with self-help through natural medicine, as a way of changing cellular conditions observed. This self-help could consist of changes in lifestyle as well as specific macro and micro nutritional changes.

 Bio-Cell Screenings are always $175.00 at The Nourishing Tree in Joshua Tree and CBRI’s home office in Irvine.

Track your cells. Track your health. Your next Bio Cell Screening should take place one, two, or three months after your previous Screening. This allows us to adapt your specific needs and offers you a comparison of the time before, to track your health. Through time it can be very helpful to compare your reports from month/ to month for a certain period of time: Ex. 1 year, through a cleanse, while taking a new nutrient, through trauma, or as your body changes and refines towards better health.

Package of 4 Bio-Cell Screenings are available for $525 by emailed request only.